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Innovation for the Great Commission
Download the instructions for the simulation here
Our Re-entry Simulation
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This deck of 52 cards comprises a simulation to help people understand the challenges men and women face as they are released into society from incarceration.
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Principles of leadership using the Lewis and Clark expedition as an organizing center, covering dozens of projects in the Bible. This can be applied in many areas of leadership: home, work, family (click here for 236 page pdf copy).
The enemy seeks to steal, kill, and destroy, but God wants to forge your identity to be like Jesus Christ by believing truth and rejecting lies. As you Think Again, you can yield a return on God’s investment.
The well-meaning attempt to simplify the gospel message for contemporary culture has produced churches full of distracted people secretly longing for something more. How to return to a Kingdom focus that honors Jesus.
Helping believers understand the key dimensions of our participation in God’s grand Story told in the Bible, allowing disciples of Christ to be grounded in the basics of the Christian faith and walk.
Climbing Up offers practical instruction for those who want to be fruitful for the Kingdom upon release from prison and offers advice for friends and family helping in the re-entry process (click here for 5 and 10 week study guides and 280 page pdf copy).
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