Completion Global is based on our understanding of what is important to Jesus. Our friend Don Davis produced a helpful graphic called “Substitute Centers,” showing how easy it is for us to take Jesus’s priorities out of the center hub and replace them with our interests: things like prosperity and blessing, social justice, American patriotism, or relevance to our postmodern culture. All these things are good, but when they become the hub rather than a spoke, they distract us from what is important to the Lord.
One of Jesus’ primary concerns is drawing representatives from every tribe, language, people, and nation into His family, and as we declare and demonstrate His Kingdom, he has been clear we should do so with justice, mercy, and humility. In response, Cathy and I seek innovative ideas to equip those who invite the nations to join His family---the 3000+ unengaged people groups remaining on earth.
This month we’ve seen God at work around us. Last night we had our most recent quarterly gathering of Reconciliation Fellowship, a national Zoom group we started with Pastor Rickie Bradshaw to promote ethnic reconciliation for purpose of world missions. We desire more than educating people about our ethnic division; we want to equip the saints to be ministers of reconciliation (instructing them how to work together for the Great Commission).
Also, our friend Charles Anderson has received approval by Texas state prison system to have our book, Climbing Up, acknowledged as an approved course to help prisoners prepare for their release. We’re getting this translated into Spanish for release next month, which will equip hundreds of prisoners become more effective ambassadors for the Kingdom.
We have been building the Houston Diaspora Coalition by gathering dozens of ministries who offer opportunities for believers to engage in ministry to Houston’s foreign-born. Please pray this month for the fruitfulness of these servants of Christ in Houston.
Every week we meet new people in new corners of the world, representing Jesus in their neighborhoods, workplaces, and prisons. It is an honor to serve side by side with hundreds of amazing people who faithfully keep Jesus at the center of their lives.