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  • Writer's picturedonallsman

Portland Diaspora Coalition (July 31, 2024)

I am delighted to share the news that I had an article published this month in Evangelical Mission Quarterly. Unfortunately, it is available only to those with a paid subscription but in October I can share it with you. In the meantime, here is a summary: “God is sending hundreds of unreached people groups from their homelands of origin to other parts of the globe, including American cities. In the past, these unreached peoples could only receive the gospel by sending missionaries at significant expense. But now, with the mission field coming to us, we can create low-cost coalitions of ministries that mobilize local believers for Christian outreach to the thousands who are coming to our urban areas.”

You may recall that over the last years, we have had the opportunity to launch these coalitions in Houston and Dallas, allowing churches, parachurch ministries, and missions organizations to collaborate for outreach in those cities. And this year, we have helped start a third one in Portland, and we hope other cities will form their own coalitions in the future.

We met Dave Martin from Portland a couple years ago and have developed a friendship. Building from his ministry called Mosaix, he has built a network of trusted friends who are off and running building the Portland Diaspora Coalition. I encourage you to check out their website that is just getting populated

Dave has assembled an advisory group to take the leadership so he can take more of a support role. What’s exciting about this is that it is comprised of different ethnic groups, so the future of this Coalition will be culturally relevant to the various people groups being served. Pastors from China, Eastern Europe, Latin America, and Africa are being invited into this coalition, which promises a way to accelerate the spread of the gospel in the Portland area.

Another important development is a focus on second-generation young people, who aren’t yet fully Americanized, but also don’t relate to their parents’ home culture. In the near future, I’ll have more to share about this effort on a national scale through our friend John Yoder. But for now, the Portland Diaspora Coalition is being intentional about investing into these youth as another way to fulfill the Great Commission. This month, please pray for the Portland Diaspora Coalition, that they can build momentum for fruit that will last.

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